Sunday, February 21, 2010

Home work page 140

Practice 5
Summary one :
The world faces a future of bilingual speakers . English no more seen as the first language . Many english consults obvoius that . Despite the fact that english language was used as a first language in many field of the life , alot of field now adays used ther clandestine language . As they said many experts english language will be less important than the majority of people prefer (Schmid).

summary 2 :
It is everywhere , not because it is very simple .by 2050, experts made a forcast among the people all over the world and they realised that half of the world will be more or less proficient in it .English language now is concise widely spoken in many locations that alot of versions have been increasing .some words are so clendatine that even native speakers have problem in distinguishing each other if one version is omitted will present difficult enough to understand.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

home work

Paraphrase no 1 page 132.
An article in Space Science Megazine reports that another basic issue to be concerned is living along period of time in isolated situation may lead to mental problems for astronauts(Clinton 18).

Paraphrase number 2:
An article in Space Sience Magazine reports that eventually,It is hard for every body to cope with sitiuations .For example , astronauts cabine is limited , crowded and full of radioactive devices (Clinton 18).

Paraphrase number 3:
A letter from the Time magazine reports that our home live development is important than spending time and money on going to Mars. alot of thing we should improve in the Earth like working to find a solution of dangerous illness and struggling against the poverty and solving food problems (Brunish 9 ).

Paraphrase number 4 page 134:
An artice of a magazine reports that the velocity rate to reach Mars is evrything and not only can be smach . the biggest trouble is that it led to death becouse of the radiation and its explotion in far space . unpresent of Earth magnetic boundary lets astrounauts far more axposes to deadly cosmic power than they are in a road to the moon (Kluger 48).